As the seasons change, so does the weather. With unpredictable storms becoming more frequent, it’s important to be prepared for the worst. In this month’s newsletter, we’re diving into the essential topic of protecting your beloved shoes during a storm, drawing lessons from past hurricanes and sharing invaluable tips on how to keep your footwear safe from heavy rain and flooding.


Learning from the Past: Hurricanes and Footwear


Hurricanes like Katrina, Harvey, and Sandy have taught us that preparation is key. While securing your shoes might not be top of mind during a storm, safeguarding them can make a significant difference in the long run.


Dos and Don’ts for Shoe Protection:


  1. DO Elevate Your Shoes:

If you receive advance notice of an impending storm, moving your shoes to higher ground within your home can prevent water damage. Placing them on shelves, tables, or even your dresser can keep them safe from flooding.


  1. DO Waterproof Your Shoes:

Invest in waterproofing sprays or products designed specifically for shoes. Applying these products can create a protective barrier against water. Remember to reapply periodically for continued protection.


  1. DO Use Ziploc Plastic Bags:

Before the storm arrives, place your shoes in Ziploc bags. This extra layer of protection can prevent water from seeping in and damaging your footwear.


  1. DO Consider Shoe Covers:

Waterproof shoe covers are your secret weapon against stormy weather. Slip them over your shoes to keep them dry while you navigate wet conditions.


  1. DON’T Leave Shoes on the Floor:

Leaving shoes on the floor during a storm, particularly in flood-prone areas, exposes them to potential water damage. Elevate them to minimize the risk.


  1. DON’T Ignore Evacuation Orders:

Safety should always be your top priority. If authorities issue evacuation orders, don’t hesitate to follow them. While it might be inconvenient, leaving your shoes behind is a small price to pay for your well-being.


  1. DON’T Rely Solely on Fabrics:

Shoe materials like canvas and mesh are more vulnerable to water damage. Consider diversifying your shoe collection with water-resistant materials like leather or synthetic blends.


  1. DON’T Assume Shoes Are Unaffected:

Even if your shoes seem dry on the surface, moisture could have penetrated deeper. Thoroughly inspect and air dry them before wearing again.




In a world where storms are becoming increasingly powerful, it’s essential to extend our care to all aspects of our lives, including our footwear. The lessons learned from past hurricanes highlight the significance of taking proactive measures to protect your shoes from heavy rain and flooding. Elevating your shoes, using waterproofing products, employing sealable bags, and keeping safety a priority can ensure your shoes weather the storm, just as you do.


Stay protected this rainy season,


The Sole Protector Team
